Team Lewis & Clark
Set against a historical background, the Team Lewis & Clark program applies frontier adventure skills to present-day team success. During this program, teams encounter a series of challenges including fording a river, portaging, bagging game, using a compass, and starting a fire using flint and steel. Each team’s leadership skills will be put to the test through a series of contests with other teams. The primitive nature of this program adds a variable that will further take participants out of the comfort zones and into a challenging atmosphere while still encouraging leadership skill building.
Team Lewis & Clark is a journey of discovery along the entire inspirational leadership path. Whether this means creating a unified team of two newly merged organizations or integrating new hires into a rich yet unfamiliar corporate culture, this journey encompasses assessing risk management, straining team cohesion through challenge, and the embracing individual learning and growth.
Like all Team Concepts programs, Team Lewis & Clark includes classroom, experiential, and seminar components. This program can be delivered indoors or outdoors.