FAQ: For Participants

Team Champion

If I am going to row, what will I need?
The basics include socks, a pair of shorts, a sweatshirt and sweat pants if it is cool outside. Calf length socks, biking shorts, and a t-shirt work best.  Jackets often get in the way and tend to make you overheat.  The general rule of thumb is to not wear anything that you are worried about getting dirty or losing. It is also best not to wear baggy clothing (especially baggy shorts) or jewelry (particularly rings with a large setting) as these items might get caught on a piece of equipment.

What will I NOT need?
Water and electronics don’t mix so leave your phone on shore. Gloves are only allowed when we teach rowing at the North or South poles.

How will I know where to go?
Team Concepts coaches will provide you with the guidance or direction appropriate to the situation. The program will take place in an active boathouse. Please listen to the coaches and professional rowers when on the dock and yield to other rowers who may be carrying equipment.

What do I need for the classroom instruction?
Classroom attire will be casual. Team Concepts will supply you with light refreshments, a program pamphlet, and a pen.

Do I need to know how to swim or be a good swimmer?  
No. The chances of an eight man rowing shell tipping over are slight but safety equipment is always available. The boat and the oars are considered personal flotation devices. The boat will include two or three professional rowers to insure that the shell is never in a dangerous situation. Finally, there will be a coaching launch (motor boat) located within only a few feet of each shell when you are on the water.

Do I need prior rowing or athletic experience?  
No. We expect no prior rowing experience. The program is designed to be a team formation and empowerment exercise and will accommodate all levels of fitness and skill. The boat that moves the fastest will be composed of team members who learn to work together the most efficiently, not those in the best physical condition.

Are the coaches and instructors qualified?
We pride ourselves on the level of achievement among our coaching and teaching staff. Our rowing coaches include Olympic athletes and collegiate coaches with a number of national and international championships under their belts. Our teaching staff includes several highly successful university instructors, facilitators, and business executives.

What if I have a pre-existing injury?
Please inform your coach if you have a pre-existing injury. While the decision to participate is ultimately yours, speaking with the coach will allow you to make a more informed decision. Our primary interest is for your physical and emotional safety. We are not going to push you into a situation for which you are not prepared.


Team Energy

If I am going to participate in a games tournament, what will I need?
This program is designed for performance in business casual or active wear attire. The only clothing restriction is that all participants are required to wear non-open toed shoes.

How will I know where to go?
Team Concepts coaches will provide you with the guidance or direction appropriate to the situation.

What do I need for the classroom instruction?
Classroom attire will be casual. Team Concepts will supply you with light refreshments, a program pamphlet, and a pen.

Team Hollywood

Do I need prior acting experience?
No. We are looking for raw talent. We only hope that you come with a great attitude and willingness to embrace fun.

What do I need to bring?
Nothing. Team Concepts will supply you with everything you need to make a movie: costumes, props, camera, and editing software. You will be responsible for the hard part: a sense of creativity and the willingness to poke fun at yourself and your teammates.

Team Dragon Boating

Do I need prior dragon boating or athletic experience?
No. We expect no prior experience. The program is designed to be a team formation and empowerment exercise and will accommodate all levels of fitness and skill. The boat that moves the fastest will be composed of team members who learn to work together the most efficiently, not those in the best physical condition.

If I am going to paddle, what will I need to wear?
The short answer is comfortable active sports wear. The basics include socks, a pair of shorts, t-shirt, and a sweatshirt and sweat pants if it is cool outside. Jackets often get in the way and tend to make you overheat. The general rule of thumb is to not wear anything that you are worried about getting dirty or losing.

What shoes are most appropriate?
Depending on the climate, your choice really comes to shoes that can get wet or no shoes at all. In northern climates, entering a dragon boat is most often done from a dock. In southern climates, entering a dragon boat is most often done while standing in water (beach launch). More information will come from Team Concepts depending on the event location.

Will I get wet?
This is a water sport so you are likely to get splashed.

Will you get so wet that you would need a change of clothes?
Not likely. We haven’t had anyone melt in all our years of doing this.

Do I need to know how to swim or be a good swimmer?
No. While personal swimming ability is always favorable, we require that all participants wear lifejackets. Even though the chances of a dragon boat tipping over are slight, an additional safety measure is that the boats have professional dragon boaters to ensure that the boats are never in a dangerous situation.

What else do I need to bring with me?
Beyond arriving with a “can do” attitude, Team Concepts will provide you with water, lifejacket and paddle. You are responsible for sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.

What should I not bring?
Since dragon boating requires both hands on the paddle at all times, please leave all electronics on shore. Water and electronics do not mix for good reason. There will be an opportunity for the coaches to take your picture in the boat either at the dock or from a safety launch.

What if I have a pre-existing injury?
Please inform your coach if you have a pre-existing injury. While the decision to participate is ultimately yours, speaking with the coach will allow you to make a more informed decision. Our primary interest is for your physical and emotional safety. We are not going to push you into a situation for which you are not prepared.

How will I know where to go?
Team Concepts coaches will provide you with the guidance or direction appropriate to the situation. Please listen to the coaches and professional dragon boaters when on the dock and yield to other others who may be carrying equipment.

What do I need for the classroom instruction?
Classroom attire will be casual. Team Concepts will supply you with light refreshments, a program pamphlet, and a pen.

Are the coaches and instructors qualified?
We pride ourselves on the level of achievement among our coaching and teaching staff. Our dragon boat coaches and steersmen often include men and women with a number of national and international championships under their belts. Our teaching staff includes several highly successful university instructors, facilitators, and business executives. 

Most importantly, relax. You're going to have a a great time!