Team Raising the Bar
A cocktail is a combination of ingredients that alone are fine but together can make a transformational experience. In Raising the Bar, mixology becomes a challenge for high-performance teams, where the whole becomes much greater than the sum of the parts. All done with style and storytelling.
Raising the Bar: Mixology Challenge with Storytelling
Storytelling is a key leadership tool because it’s powerful, memorable and authentic. Stories help us make sense of organizations by sparking change, communicating who you are, enhancing the brand, transmitting values, and leading people into the future. In Team Concepts’ storytelling version, we use the creation of a custom cocktail as the premise for telling a high-performance team tale that resonates with listeners. Designed as a capstone event to previous team activities, the event will feature celebrity and Global Liquid Chef Rob Floyd who will host in person or via live broadcast from his television studio in Nashville.
Specializing in both Zero Proof and spirit-filled cocktails, Rob will instruct participants through Taste, Technique and Tale, making them feel equipped to be star mixologists themselves. Participants are sent a custom box with all the ingredients, optionally including a branded shaker and glass, and engraved bottles of spirits, to enhance learning retention and brand reinforcement. Program length is typically 60 minutes, for groups from 6-600 people.
About Rob Floyd
When he isn’t in the field conceptualizing new programs or training staff, you can find him on a myriad of hit TV shows including Bar Rescue, read about him in magazines like Maxim and Esquire, or find him live on stage performing his signature production, Cocktail Theatre. Sip Boldly.